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23 November, 2021

Auction results for 2021

According to the Auction Schedule approved by the Ministry of Energy of RK in 2021, a total of 200 MW of installed capacity was placed for RES auctions, broken down by the following types of power plants: WPP - 50 MW; SPP - 20 MW, HPP - 120 MW; BioPP - 10 MW.
12 November, 2021

The results of the auction for the selection of SPP on November 12, 2021 with a total installed capacity of 20 MW

The auction for the selection of SPP projects with a total installed capacity of 20 MW, held on November 12, 2021, was recognized as having taken place.
11 November, 2021

The results of the auction for the selection of HPP projects on November 11, 2021 with a total installed capacity of 100 MW

The auction for the selection of HPP projects with a total installed capacity of 100 MW, held on November 11, 2021.
10 November, 2021

The results of the auction for the selection of WPP on November 10, 2021 with a total installed capacity of 50 MW

The auction for the selection of WPP projects with a total installed capacity of 50 MW, held on November 10, 2021, was recognized as having taken place.
09 November, 2021

The results of the auction for the selection of BioPP projects on November 9, 2021 with a total installed capacity of 10 MW

The auction for the selection of BioPP projects with a total installed capacity of 10 MW, held on November 9, 2021, was recognized as having taken place
09 November, 2021

The first auction auctions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021

On November 8, 2021, auctions for the selection of RES projects started in Kazakhstan. This year auctions began with the selection of HPP projects with a total installed capacity of 20 MW. The auction was declared successful.
30 September, 2021

Guide for investors on the implementation of renewable energy projects in Kazakhstan in the edition of 2021

In order to prepare for the auction of renewable energy in 2021,
20 September, 2021

Dear partners and customers!

We inform you, that registration for auctions for RES without documentation, for all types of power plants, begin from today, September 20, 2021.
20 September, 2021

Dear partners and customers!

JSC «KOREM» invites all interested parties planning the implementation of renewable energy projects in Kazakhstan to participate in renewable energy auction, which will be held from November 8  to 12, 2021.
02 September, 2021

Kazakhstan has achieved target indicators in the development of renewable energy sources

Over the past 10 years, the cost of renewable energy in the world, especially solar energy, has fallen in price to the level of generation on traditional sources - coal or gas power plants.